I have been so super spoilt with all the
well wishes and comments from all the awesome people out there that I have met in
blogland! Thank you everyone! I read each and every comment! I just have been slack in replying, Sorry!
I opened up an envelope last week to reveal this amazing hand made card from
Amy!Isn't it just gorgeous!?!
Imagine how fiddly it would have been to make???
So sweet, we had the Irish wedding prayer read at the ceremony. Love it!

Then I
received a parcel all the way from Canada! Thanks
Kristie!I may or may not have been like a kid at Christmas.... It didn't rattle when I shook it :)

How awesome is this hoop? I actually squealed when I opened it all up. Paul gave me the strangest look. couldn't have been to crazy sounding, He still married me : )

I ripped it all open to fast to get a pic with the wrapping paper. Oops. pretend it was like it was above but with gorgeous paper!

Check out the hand made card. Too cute! I'm a Mrs : )

See this little bag.
Don't you think it looks like it is meant to live under my pillow, filling my head with beautiful dreams each night?
Dreams about what you ask?
Munki Munki dreams of course!
How sweet is she to part with these beauties???
I am one lucky lady to be a part of this great blogiverse of ours!
Thanks Ladies!!!
cute stuff! woo hoo! (now I'm off to see the weddign pics!)
Glad you liked your loot, Kelli! Congrats again!
Blogland is the best!!! You meet the most intertesting, funny, generous, people. ( you're one of them!!). I can just imagine how it must have felt to open those parcels.
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