Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Modern Quilt Guild

It has been a very quiet time in the world of Kelli at the moment.
Other than the pinwheels last week, I have hardly sewn anything!
Yes, I'm getting grumpier by the day... grrr
But on the encouragement of a new friend I have joined in the Melbourne chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild!
Yay, Our first meeting is in the city on the 22nd May.
Which just so happens to be.... The bestest day of the year!!!
Yep, Happy 30th birthday to me and I get to spend half the day talking about sewing!
I am hoping to spend the other half eating Mexican food and drinking frozen margaritas.
Yes, I am smiling as I write this! I can't wait!!!
Anyone who wants to join in on either part of the day, The more the merrier!


Mary said...

So fun! I'm jealous . . . we don't have a chapter anywhere around here. But I'll keep hoping! Happy early birthday too :-)